Pazaak v 2.0
Reach 20 or end the set with a higher score than your opponent
You start with 4 cards in your hand and can play 1 card a turn. You can replenish these cards. Once played, they are gone. If you bust (go over 20) and have not yet played a card, you may do so to reduce your score.
At the start of the set a main card (green) is added to your field and your score is updated. You can play a card then choose to either end or pass. Passing and standing both end your turn, but when you pass you will no longer receive cards until your opponent pass as well or busts and is unable to recover. You win the set when you score the highest number to 20 without going over.
In case you fill the field (9 cards) without busting, you win the set regardless of any other cards.
Types of cards
Plus (Blue) - Adds the amount on the card to your score. Range from +1-+5
Minus (Red) - Subtracts the amount on the card from your score. Range from -1 to -5.
Main (Green) - These cards are added to your field at the start of your turn. Range from 1-10.
PlusMinus (Red and Blue) - Can act either like a Plus or Minus card before being played, but once set you cannot manually change it's value.
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